Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Funny Movie

OK, so the funny movie I decided to watch was “The Women”, the 2008 remake of the 1939, “The Women”...about a woman who finds out her husband is having an affair and her friends rally round and show her how to value herself and he learns the tragedy of his mistaken ways.

There are a lot of lines in this movie like, “Nothing cures a man of having an affair like too much time with his mistress.” and “No man wants to believe that only his wife would love him for who he really is.”

Anyway, the best part is seeing Jada Pinkett as a lesbian and Meg Ryan as a woman supposedly scorned—she’s just so dam cute even when she’s sad, mad, scorned or confronting her husband’s mistress. Frankly in the dressing room scene where Meg is making her high horse speech with the Other Woman, I’m thinking, Meg you are too annoying; If I was him I’d go for Miss All-Legs-Add-the-Cutlets too.

So maybe I would have been better off watching Airplane (it’s a big metal box that flies but that doesn’t matter) or The Princess Bride (as you wish).

The Women just raised the specter of Other Women, which while better than lung cancer is still a great source of pain.

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