Friday, October 17, 2014

Are You a Caregiver?

If you read this blog you probably are a caregiver and you probably recognize a caregiver when you see one. But there are many people who do serious caregiving who do not identify with that term. They may think, "Well I'm taking care of my Mom or my wife and that's just what people do."

And while that is true, and sweetly humble, there are serious losses when caregivers don't know they are caregivers.

Caregivers, often men who are caregiving or younger caregivers who don't identify with the term are missing a ton of services and supports that are available to them. They are not getting respite, navigation, or intervention services and they may be by-passing the articles and workshops that would save them time--and their sanity. That has big consequences for them--and for the loved one they are caring for.

Because this has been identified a s a big problem in healthcare AARP has created an advertising campaign to help caregivers to recognize that they are caregivers. I know, I know…you would think…but it's crucial that people know they count.

So here (below) is the link to the first "Are you a Caregiver?" ad that will run in November. It stars Jeff Foxworthy the comedian who is known for his "Are you a redneck?" comedy.

So click below and watch this great fun Youtube ad. And please share it widely so the conversation about caregiving will expand.

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