Sunday, January 20, 2019

Sex and Cancer Cancer Today Magazine

Many of you know that I started this blog--and advocating for more education around sex and cancer--because of my experience being shut out and shut down by medical folks when John was diagnosed with Colon Cancer at the beginning of our relationship.

Because it's my gift --and my bent in life--I went to my computer and started writing. I also shared the story of our romance --the good and the bad--and wrote a lot about relationships in general.

But it was that shame around sex and cancer that got me started and it keeps me keeps me going.

I am delighted and honored that Cancer Today Magazine found the blog, and interviewed me for their recent article on Sex and Cancer.

I'll put the link right here:

Please consider sharing this.

There are still too many couples impacted by the silence and the lack of helpful information, and still way too many medical professionals who don't ask and who have nothing to say when asked.

I thank all of you for following this blog, and sharing my updates, and for continuing to make it safe for Love in the Time of Cancer.

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