Saturday, October 20, 2012

Leonard Cohen on Marriage

I’m reading the book, “I’m Your Man”—it’s the new biography of poet/songwriter Leonard Cohen. I’ve loved his writing forever, and his music of course, and I am coming to love his contradictions: a ladies man who is a monk, a fabulous performer who hates to perform and a homely man who is supremely attractive.

He said this about marriage:

Marriage is the hardest spiritual practice in the world. Anybody can sit on Mount Baldy for hours on end, weeks, months. But it’s nothing compared to marriage. If you’re really there, really present, for marriage it’s self-reflection 24/7. Who can take that?

1 comment:

Leonard Cohen said...

a ladies man who is a monk, a fabulous performer who hates to perform and a homely man who is supremely attractive.Great contradiction!