Thursday, April 6, 2017

The Other Side of Impossible

This week I had the opportunity to read a new and very inspiring book that will be of interest to folks like us in CancerLand.

“The Other Side of Impossible” by Susannah Meadows—is (the subtitle) about: “Ordinary people who faced daunting medical challenges and refused to give up.”

The seven primary stories in her memoir/manual/guide are about individuals and families confronted with truly daunting medical challenges—confusing diagnosis, nearly impossible treatments, horrific journeys thru complicated medical mazes. 

Here in CancerLand—for the most part—we deal with more or less clear cut diagnoses: colon cancer, breast cancer, lymphoma etc. But still daunting. And we especially understand the grief, confusion and the head banging about whether to use complementary medicine, New Age treatments or good old chemo and radiation—or most likely a self-created combo of the above and more.

Here are stories of parents, partners, individuals and friends. Choices, mysteries, decisions and prayers.

If you are trying something that makes your doctors eyes roll, or if you have chosen a doctor that makes your friends eyes roll—or if you want to borrow some courage and fortitude and faith—check out Meadows book.

“The Other Side of Impossible” will be in stores on May 2nd and you can place an order now at


susannah meadows said...

Dear Diane,
Thank you for writing this thoughtful and lovely review of my book. I am flattered that you read it, and moved to hear that it meant something to you. All the best, Susannah Meadows

Diane Cameron said...

Yours was a great work of inspiration and love