Monday, June 20, 2016

Greatest Toll is on Cancer Caregivers

An important article by Claire Hughes in today's Albany Times Union. Hughes reports on the recently released study, "Cancer Caregiving in the U.S."--a report from the National Alliance for Caregiving, a Maryland-based nonprofit.

The study, and Hughes article which shares personal stories, details the kinds of hands-on care and specific stressors that caregivers of a loved-one with cancer face.

I know that you already know this. You have had this experience or you are living it. But, I think, it does help to know that what you are experiencing is real, and documented, and that the stress and struggle of cancer care are not a failing, weakness, or personal.

This is an article to share with loved ones, friends, support groups and counselors--and oncologists.

Here is the link to Clair Hughes article in today's Albany Times Union:

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