Thursday, January 23, 2014

Make Me Crazy. Keep Me Sane

Here is a concept that I promise you will help you when you deal with difficult people. And in Cancer Land there are many difficult people--doctors, nurses, clerks, receptionists, people at the end of many healthcare phone lines and yes, sometimes or often the patient, and double-yes, sometimes even the caregivers.

What? Who me? Well…Read this and memorize it:

"The things about people that drive us crazy are the things that are keeping them sane."

Isn't that absolutely true? And if we could just remember that is behind the control freak, the testy tone, the list maker, the refuser, the giddy pleaser and the no eye contact among other crazy making characteristics.

Repeat after me: "The things about people that drive us crazy are the things that are keeping them sane."

1 comment:

Roger Owen Green said...

But they STILL make me crazy...